Autumn Fashions Trends and Being Comfortable in our Skin

October 01, 2019

Autumn Fashions Trends and Being Comfortable in our Skin

Happy Autumn SunHeart Tribe!

Two days ago on Michaelmas the 29th of September, the AIR changed! Boy could I feel it get dry and cold. I always have a window open at night and for the first time I had to pull up the comforter, which was scrunched at the foot of my bed, for the first time in 3 months! of summer weather.

And you know what? I forgot how comfy it is to be warm when you are chilly! Living in Southern California, it's pretty temperate most of the time. This summer we had very mild weather, which after years of f...s was a lovely experience.

So as soon as you hop onto the cool floor, the first thing you think of is, "hmmm What am I going to wear?" Because all those "winter clothes" are at the bottom of somewhere? right?

In the "fashion biz" we order the fall line in spring, so it's a weird time world we live in. But the Cut-Loose order for fall came in last week, and my friend Mary (who is loosening up as a model right?) comes over and we did a shoot on Sunday morning.

We always laugh because, you know, if you are not a natural show-off (like me) it's tough with a black box looking at you to appear natural. So I have many techniques to make her laugh and that loosens both of us up. That's when I snap the shot, when she is really laughing. 

These CutLoose tunics are the best-selling summer style, but made in a much thicker winter weight. They weigh 1.6lbs each! They do not feel heavy, they feel comfy and well made for winter. Lot's of stretch at a generous 70" bust and way more stretch after that!

Now Mary is a size small, and these Cut-Loose tops look great on her, she is putting dibs on one color already! But it's made for lots of sizes of Goddess Gals!

So of course, it's time to find my winter wear and bring it out. Like my favorite CutLoose tunic, that will now hang on the back on my chair for easy pick up. 

This brings me to being comfortable in our skins. After menopause, I had to rethink my life, my food/vitamin intake and my skin! I always had perfect skin! But menopause has changed that, and I committed to using Dr. Haushka products at 40 and I am so happy I did. We need more moisture and organic products as our "skin food." 

But also our lifestyle changes as we age, and I find I want a simpler and more 
rhythmical life cycle. So when I added swimming in 2012 I had no idea how that would improve my life, my health and weight, but I feel transformed! 

When I get overwhelmed with the all the little details, and feel "funky" as we used to say... I go to the pool. It's outdoors, in the sun, it's got least amount of chlorine and lots of salts. There is something so nurturing to swim outside with the sky overhead, and the family of hawks flying and the dragon flies dipping into the lanes to sip. It's a hunk of heaven, and every little thing dissolves.

You know what I find? I do not think when I am swimming. And when I get out of the pool, 45 minutes later, I have the opportunity to shower or sit in the hot tub or take a (women only) steam or dry that is being comfortable in my skin. What do you do to self-nurture? 

Size Chart