Sunheart Clothing Memories of When I was Dreaming of Becoming a Fashion Designer
Well, Goddess gals summer is officially over and we are moving into Fall. It's still summer here in southern California - home of the Beach Boys, Loggins and Messina and the Bridges brothers. We cannot forget Oprah!
I have been remembering my absolute obsession with clothing when I was young. We were not a wealthy family, and I learned to sew young. I would save my pennies and when I had about $35 I would go to the fabric store with my designs for the fall wardrobe in high school. After looking at all those wonderful colors, fabrics, textiles yumminess, then I would decide what the color palate was going to be. I would come home with a pile of fabric and begin to chart the tops, bottoms and jackets and skirts. Even back then I was a harem pants gal.
I remember Willie Smith coming out with the first harem pants flat pleats in front, deep pockets and belt bands! I was soooooo coool. See pic my first job in an art store- talk about Karma right? Woot! I am wearing the pants!
What is it about memory? Those pants, the color, the fabric texture between my fingers and the feeling of accomplishment in making them, it's all still living in my heart.
Have you ever tie-dyed? Well, for a few years I turned my studio into a tie-dye area, oh my gd! Unless you have more height than I do, so you can crank-twist, move, drape, and do all the solutions to the fabric, it's a tough, tough, and yes, oh so tough! job.
We just got in some new ice-dyed dresses- which go thru various immersions to create these stunning patterns. on Sunheart Freedom Collection. Of course we also have our fabulous batik boho dresses click Boho!

Also in Blog

Hello! Meet Kristena West the Owner of SunHeart Boho Clothing
One of the podcasts is called from Angels & Demons: Halos to Horns inspiring Fashion Business: How a injury - transformed into click the link below to listen on - also on Apple podcasts.
So if you are curious about how SUNHEART became a 20+ year business - here’s a 20 minute podcast…