Resort Wear Kimono Plus Jackets Boho Beauties

June 15, 2021

Resort Wear Kimono Plus Jackets Boho Beauties

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Just went live - our new plus size Kimono Jackets. They come in Brights, Neutral and this lovely Bell Sleeve Kimono Jacket below. click on photos to view info 
WooHOO! Doing inventory discovered this beauty on the shoot rack, one of a kind batik Tienda ho Keyhole plus jacket. 
The Kingfisher by Mary Oliver

The kingfisher rises out of the black wave
like a blue flower, in his beak
he carries a silver leaf. I think this is
the prettiest world--so long as you don't mind
a little dying, how could there be a day in your 
whole life that doesn't have its splash of happiness?

There are more fish than there are leaves
on a thousand trees, and anyway the kingfisher
wasn't born to think about it, or anything else.
When the wave snaps shut over his blue head, the 
water remains water--hunger is the only story
he has ever heard in his life that he could

I don't say he's right. Neither do I say he's wrong. Religiously he swallows the silver leaf with its broken red river, and with a rough and easy cry I couldn't rouse out of my thoughtful body if my life depended on it, he swings back over the bright sea to do the same thing, to do it
(as I long to do something, anything) perfectly.

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Size Chart