Sunheart Boho Clothing Adding a Dash of Courage

We know, that the "taking time out" is mindfullness activity, that may look like we are staring into space, but really we are re-adjusting our super powers, for the Next Possibility costumed like an obstacle. Then we grab and knot our Super Power cape on and try again, and again and again!
With a Dash of Courage & Keeping it Positive We Believe in Goodness!
Also in Blog

Hello! Meet Kristena West the Owner of SunHeart Boho Clothing
One of the podcasts is called from Angels & Demons: Halos to Horns inspiring Fashion Business: How a injury - transformed into click the link below to listen on - also on Apple podcasts.
So if you are curious about how SUNHEART became a 20+ year business - here’s a 20 minute podcast…